Mazars and its WEPs commitment to UN Women - Part II

Mazars in Uruguay maintains its commitment and active movement around WEPs principles. For this purpose in the NL disseminated in November we refer to this topic, which we will give in continuity in this dissemination.


From this perspective, implementing good practices with a vision of gender equality, gives companies a new framework of action and management in which equal opportunities between women and men is a key aspect in business culture. This approach provides added value to companies that translates into clear benefits for their internal functioning, economic performance, external image, and extends to the company's own staff. 

Currently companies are subject to the need to innovate permanently in order to meet the needs and demands of the market, whose fundamental feature is their constant evolution. The need for innovation means companies to continue modernizing if they do not want to be relegated to the background and therefore no longer competitive. One of the basic instruments to achieve its objectives of modernization and competitiveness are new technologies and forms of organization and production that, most of the time, are complementary, that is, some push the other and vice versa.  

In this context, a new management of the company emerges where human resources are configured as the main asset of the organization and where the principle of equal opportunities becomes a driving axis and is introduced as a basic principle of the company's culture. In this sense, new trends in human resources management and business organization introduce as fundamental elements, among others, continuous training, motivation, the development of a good working climate or the reconciliation of family, work and personal life, which become basic factors to improve productivity, but also to attract and maintain qualified personnel. 

For years at our Firm we have been working on these aspects, we assumed the formal commitment in August 2019 when we adhered to the WEPs Principles, took action and implemented "good practices". 

Strategically, we are reconfiguring our action, self-diagnosing the current situation and redefining the Action Plan for Gender Equality by 2021 in order to materialize and achieve our objectives. 

Self-diagnosis is a working tool that allows us to know the situation of an organization regarding the integration of equal opportunities between women and men in its management. It is a photograph of the company at a specific time, which must be flexible and adapt to changes and needs that may occur during the process. 

On the other hand, we have the Action Plan for Gender Equality which is a necessary document, which involves an orderly set of measures taken after the diagnosis of situation, aimed at achieving equal treatment and opportunities between women and men in the enterprise and which supports the planning of our resources to make firm progress in the objectives. 

We share our path and invite you to generate your own, we are available to exchange opinions, visions and generate new ways to make gender equality visible in companies. 

Yessil Bañuls